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Author Topic: Japanese Animation Techniques Books
Posts: 7
Post Japanese Animation Techniques Books
on: March 8, 2018, 08:20


I am currently learning how to animate (2D). I have a strong background/ foundation in solid drawing, life drawing naturalistic and abstract fine art etc. so my main challenge is learning to "animate", to move the stuff and improve my speed. I'm currently ploughing through 'Illusion of Life' and the 'The Animator's Survival Kit'. I'm rewatching the Golden Age and Disney Renaissance Animation as well as Richard Williams shorts and features and feel I have enough material on Western animation techniques to keep me occupied for a while.

I was wondering if anybody had any books to recommend to learn about Japanese animation techniques. I feel there are many great stylistic techniques that are used in Japanese animation that I would like to systematically mentally catalogue and master. Are there Japanese equivalents of 'The Animator's Survival Kit', 'Illusion of Life' etc or even greater books, or books with a completely different angle that are still helpful?
Please note: I am not talking how to "draw" in an anime style books, but books specifically on the animation technique and animation production process.Links to free websites/ tutorials with such info are also welcome.Please also feel free to give any recommendations on authoritative Japanese animation history.

Please help

I did not find the right solution from the internet.

Digital production studio


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