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Learn Animation from Don Bluth!
Learn from one of the last remaining Master Animators, Don Bluth! I personally took classes for almost 2 years and it has been a life changing experience. How so, do you ask? Before these classes, I never considered myself an artist, now I do. In fact, I feel as if

Dumbo Blu-ray: 70th Anniversary Special Edition
Finally, after a long delay, Disney finally released Dumbo on Blu-ray filled with great bonus features, behind the scenes and more! Dumbo has such a great story, and great moments.

Lion King 3D – Box Office Takeover!
Hey look! A traditionally animated film is #1 in the box office again… so much for the “hand-drawn animation is dead!” logic eh? I’ve seen it in 3D twice and I must say it looks GREAT! It’s the first time in many many years that I’ve seen it on the