What is your favorite animated movie of all time? We want to know! This question is the ultimate question that needs an answer. For many it is hard to choose because their are so many great animated movies that have been produced throughout the years. But if you had to choose just one, and only one, which would it be?
1. The Lion King
2. Fire and Ice
3. Finding Nemo
Spirited Away, Snow White and The Triplets of Belleville
My favorite animated movie is the Prince of Egypt. It sets the bar so high, no film can compete. My number 2 to number 5 picks are: Tangled, Beauty and the Beast, Secret of Nimh, and The Peanuts movie.
Mine is either “Dumbo” or “The Three Caballeros” for Disney features. For a non Disney animated feature, it might be Fleischer’s “Mr. Bug Goes to Town” or Ralph Bakshi’s “Heavy Traffic”!
depends upon genre. for emotionally moving, it’s a toss up between Spirited Away and Iron Giant. for totally badassery, it’s Rock n Rule, then maybe Wizards.
As much as I love 2d animation over 3d, I think Toy Story is my all time favorite animated feature.
Ghost in the Shell. Over 20 years later and the movie still holds up.
The Little Mermaid
The Sword in the Stone
“The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie”
All dogs go to Heaven, one of the best plots an animated movie has had, Fantastic Mr Fox is a close second.
So hard to pick one. Aladdin, 101 Dalmatians.
1. Ratatouille 2. Pinocchio 3. My Neighbour Totoro
Balto, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, Beauty and the Beast, Robin Hood, Bambi, The Lion King, An American Tail Fievel Goes West to name a few.
Most of Hayao Miyazaki’s movies, with preference for ‘Laputa’, ‘Mononoke Hime’ and ‘Spirited Away’. For Disney movies, I think ‘Fantasia’, though I love the art of ‘Snow White’. ‘Persepolis’, ‘Only Yesterday’ and ‘The Lego Movie’ as well.
Lion king. Then princess mononoke. All dogs go to heaven, the secret of nimh, the iron giant. Ah, I can’t choose!!
Yellow Submarine.
Aladdin, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, Pinocchio, Peter Pan, Dead Leaves, Redline, Paprika, The Lion King, Metropolis, Cowboy Bebop the Movie
Princess monoke
Paprika or The Triplets of Belleville.
My favourite animated movie of all time is The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Stellar artistry and animation, awesome soundtrack, complex villain, loveable protagonists and such themes as heartbreak, love vs lust and racial discrimination.
I highly praise the creators for producing perhaps the most Gothic and criminally underrated Disney film.
The Castle of Cagliostro.
The Thief and the Cobbler
Spirited Away
It’s a tie between Aladdin and The Hunchback of Notre Dame
The Lion King
The perfection that is “Dumbo”.
For me , its The Secret of Nimh.
Not only its beautifull , with drama , humor , adventure and magic , and Deaths..
but its had too the hope that other studios , not only Disney , could bring us excellent animations.
Monster’s Inc.
I’d have to go with “Jungle Book”.
It really is hard to chose. There are so many great animated films out there. The Iron Giant, Cats Don’t Dance, The Incredibles, Ghibli films… So many. But a favorite that really stands out in my mind would have to be the Japanese animated film, Redline. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2H_FsmxWzc
All Dogs Go To Heaven
secret of nihm
Fievel, Robbin hood, Fantasia, jungle book, Anastasia, Titan AE…curious george…great traditional animation…
or Disney’s Robin Hood
“Princess Mononoke” and “Spirited Away”, undoubtly. If I would choose non-Ghibli films, I like so much “Persepolis”, “Perfect Blue”, “The Secret Of Kells”, “Hedgehog In The Fog”, “Wrinkles” and “The Secret Of NIMH”.
A Boy Named Charlie Brown
Avatar the last air bender, animation, story, script love it. Old school: Thundercats.
The Little Mermaid
South Park… Bigger Longer and Uncut
Kung Fu Panda
In terms of moving me emotionally, Hotaru no Haka, which I also hate. Otherwise, Jungle Book.
Fantasia, Bambi and Sleeping Beauty I feel represent the peak of traditional animation. Hon. Mention to Snow White and the Seven Dwarves for being the first widely released feature and the reason we can choose an all time favorite.
2d Tarzan, 3d The Lorax
Aladdin (with Lion King close at 2nd).
Help! I’m a Fish. Hands down.
2 equal favourites- ‘My Neighbour Totoro’ for its visual attention to detail, lovable characters & touching story. ‘Akira’, the first animated film I saw with murders and swearing! Epic filmmaking in every sense.
I’d go for Akira.
The Rescuers Down Under
It’s not just my Favorite Animated Movie, It’s my Favorite Movie of All Time! And a movie rarely anybody talk about which is understandable given the horrendous versions of it that came out in ’93
My Favorite Movie of All Time is “The Thief and the Cobbler”
I sat through the Recobbled Cut on YouTube and I was amazed in how so much effort was put into this (At least from the storyboards)
It has likable characters, an epic quality, a funny villain, classical music, but what really sticks out is the animation! And this is by far the best animation I’ve ever seen!
I really do hope they both finish and re-release this film in theaters, More and more people need to see this movie! So much better than Frozen!
It’s big, It’s majestic, It’s artistic, It’s my all time favorite movie!
Beauty and the Beast
Why would you ask such a question as if I can pick one.
The Last Unicorn or Watership Down (they’re a tie for me).
1. Spirited Away
2. Fantastic Mr. Fox
3. The Boy and The World
First choice: Little Mermaid, Princess Mononoke & Fantasia… But there is also 5 cm per second, sleeping beauty and spirited away which are pretty awesome too.
My favorite is The Iron Giant, but Zootopia is kind of topping the list right now.
I feel rotten leaving out my other favourites, but BAMBI takes my top spot. It’s sensitive, powerful, beautiful, and the character animation is both technically accomplished, AND sincerely expressive
The Secret of NIMH is my all time favorite, but The Lion King and Hercules are very close runners up.
Well, Beauty and the Beast is my all-time favorite Disney movie, The Lion King is second and Aladdin is third. My all-time favorite animated movie from Don Bluth is An american tail. And my other favorite Non-Disney movie is Once Upon a Forest. For 3D Computer Animation, from Disney my favorite is Frozen. Second place, this year’s smash hit, Zootopia. Third place, Wreck-It Ralph. From DreamWorks Animation, Home, Kung Fu Panda 3 and Madagascar. From Disney Pixar, I always love the Toy Story Trilogy, of course there’s gonna be a fourth one in a couple of years, anyway, I also like Inside Out and Monsters University. What about movies that based off my favorite animated TV Shows? Well, I love all three of The Care Bears Movies and my other favorites are all three of The Rugrats Movies. There’s a lot more that I like, but That’s enough to say right here.
Millennium Actress
Don Bluth – The Pebble and the Penguin. The last of his great films that was largely analog-produced start to end (storyboard and sketches to cels and film-based rotoscope), before CGI began infiltrating even hand-drawn films. One of the most unfairly-maligned animated works of its time.
“Bambi” and “Metropolis”.
Heavy Metal
Secret of the Kells
American Pop
Can’t answer that question. There’s too many that I like.
Finding Nemo….
Spirited Away, Akira, …and I think I’m going to have to go with The Sword in the Stone.
The Iron Giant immediately came to my mind.
1. Fantasia (because art for its own sake is good)
2. Transformers (1986) (Because Nostalgia and a kicking soundtrack)
3. Tokyo Godfathers (because of the surprisingly funny and deep characters)
4. Song of the Sea (because independent animated ventures offer unique stories and perspectives and this is currently the king of that to me)
After that is a long, long, long list
The Last Unicorn!
Grave of the fireflies
My all-time favorite is Dumbo. Some of my other favorites include Cars, The Emperor’s New Groove, The Jungle Book, Robin Hood, Mad Monster Party, Gulliver’s Travels, and Open Season.
Snow white and the seven dwarfs… Undoubtedly!! One of the BEST animations!
Of course the list is too long… Including wall-e, ice age, lion King, Bambi and many more!!!
Lion King and Iron Giant
For Disney, Fantasia.
For non-Disney, The Iron Giant.
The Pebble and the Penguin. It deserves a Director’s Cut too, so it can be viewed for what it should have been in its original coloration and with all the original cut scenes Bluth intended it to contain. It represents the amazing results Bluth’s team were able to produce while facing adverse and unexpected budgetary, time, and ideological constraints. I wish it would be shown again on the big screen in 2020 for its 25th Anniversary.
101 dalmatians.
Akira for me ……… but, I can never turn down any animated movie really. Love ’em all!
end of evangelion
Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Mulan, Alice in Wonderland, Kiki’s Delivery Service, Arrietty, etc…
SNOW WHITE my favorite movie of all time
The Iron Giant
The Simpsons Movie
My top 5, The Lion King, The Secret of Nihm, The Land Before Time, Charlotte’s Web, and Snow White.
Meet the Robinsons!
Disney: The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh . Non-Disney: Studio Ghibli’s My Neighbor Totoro. Totoro is my phone wall paper cover and ring tone. 😀
Tough call. If we’re going with traditional animation, it’d probably be a toss up between Akira, American Pop, and Dumbo.
Oh, and of course, Winnie the Pooh.
Disney’s “Pinocchio” did for animation what “Citizen Kane” did for live-action, but did it first.
Wow, good question….
I’d probably go with “Rock & Rule”.
Waking Life!
Disney’s Hercules!
Ralph Bakshi’s “Heavy Traffic” (a criminally underrated masterpiece, IMHO) with Disney’s “The Jungle Book” coming in for a close second!
Transformer the (animated) movie
Ice age
Snow white & the 7 Dwarfs
1 Fantasia
2 Prince of Egypt & Book of Life
3 The Prophet & Song of the Sea & Mune – Guardian of the Moon
But there’s so much great stuff out there, I could go on forever!
Lion King
Iron Giant
How to Train your Dragon
El Dorado
Fritz The Cat
Pinocchio, Fantasia, The Little Mermaid. (I know that the last doesn’t measure up technically to the others, but I just am in love with that film. I wish VERY much that there were a non-Disney film among my top three, but there just isn’t.)
Bambi, The Thief and the Cobbler: Recobbled Cut, The Cat Returns, Princess Mononoke, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
Probably Aladdin, showed me that voice acting can be a career 🙂
銀河鉄道の夜 (Night on the Galactic Railroad)
Porco Rosso
WALL•E, I could go on for hours about how much I love that movie, but I don’t exactly have the time.
The Lion King was the first movie I saw and it’s not only my favorite animated movie, but my favorite movie all around.
Hands down, Project A-ko.
C,mon Steve, How about Pinnochio? Huh? If your nose was a foot, then you’d be walking on it! Haha! A Good Disney classic indeed!
These are just some of my favorites Spirited away,iron giant,Fievel goes west,Fantasia, Beauty and the beast,the little mermaid, toy story 1&2, lady and the tramp, the goofy movie, ect the list goes on!
The Cat Returns
For me it is beauty and the beast. Love it love it!!!!!
That’s not a fair question.
The Iron Giant, hands down. It’s my favorite movie period.
A Wind Named Amnesia
Disney’s The Lion King and Don Bluth’s The Land Before Time
can anyone tell me the name of that muvi shows pic of this link.??
The Incredibles
Lilo & Stitch
It’s Such a Beautiful Day. Don Hertzfeldt
“Akira”. Unbeatable!
Lion king is just perfect. 😀
Princess Mononoke, Disney’s Pinocchio, Alice in Wonderland, The Tinder Box, Ghost in the Shell, Akira
The toy story :”)
How to train your dragon
Fantasia, without a doubt.
1) Corpse Bride
2) 9
3) Hunchback of Notre Dame
Charlotte’s Web, Gay Purr-ee, Watership Down/Plague Dogs, The Point, Felidae
Disney – Fantasia
Non-Disney – The Iron Giant
Anime – Akira
I’ve seen so many animated films, it’s hard to pick a top three. 😀
“tarzan” is the best
My favorite Animated movie:
* Treasure Planet, Sinbad legend of the seven seas, Tarzan, Song of the Sea, Big Hero 6, Zootopia.
* Wolf Children, The Secret World of Arrietty, The Boy And The Beast.
Bambi and Lady and the Tramp
I love the background. to me its more interesting than the girl chillin there. she picked a great backdrop, lots of character in there.
lion king
brother bear
It’s so hard to choose, maybe I will choose My neighbor Totoro and Big Hero 6.
Finding Nemo
1998 Walt Disney’s Mulan. It was the first epic movie of an independent woman that I ever saw.
The art is breathtaking, it’s filled with excellent music, comedy, awesome characters. It was also my first time seeing a character defy gender rules. and there’s a depth to it that just moves me. The love between the characters, with Mulan and her family is real. “The greatest gift and honour is having you for a daughter.”
1. The Lion King
2. The Jungle Book
3. Tarzan
4. The Little Mermaid
5. 101 Dalmatians
6. Mulan
7. Pocahontas
8. Anastasia
9. The Prince of Egypt
10. The Road To El Dorado
11. Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
12. Frozen
13. Moana
14. A Boy Named Charlie Brown
15. Race For Your Life, Charlie Brown
16. Peter Pan
17. Alice In Wonderland
18. Cinderella
19. Sleeping Beauty
20. Melody Time
21. A Goofy Movie
the lion king
the lion king
The Jungle Book 🙂
The lion king. I love all animated movie.
barnyard fantastic mr fox