
Do you use a mirror when you animate?
Throughout the years professional animators have used mirrors to capture facial expressions, even the use of full body mirrors to capture all of the characters movement to assist them in their animation. The mirror is a very important tool for animators. Some might say an animators job is easy, and

Scott T. Petersen’s Animation & Drawing Excellence DVDs
Just released! “Lesson 2: Power of Anticipation & Other Gems” from Scott T. Petersen’s series “Animation and Drawing Excellence.” This series is growing fast! You can now buy all 3 dvd’s from his website. Scott offers professional character animation training, and online mentoring. If you love animation and want to learn,

Learn Animation from Don Bluth!
Learn from one of the last remaining Master Animators, Don Bluth! I personally took classes for almost 2 years and it has been a life changing experience. How so, do you ask? Before these classes, I never considered myself an artist, now I do. In fact, I feel as if

Dumbo Blu-ray: 70th Anniversary Special Edition
Finally, after a long delay, Disney finally released Dumbo on Blu-ray filled with great bonus features, behind the scenes and more! Dumbo has such a great story, and great moments.

Lion King 3D – Box Office Takeover!
Hey look! A traditionally animated film is #1 in the box office again… so much for the “hand-drawn animation is dead!” logic eh? I’ve seen it in 3D twice and I must say it looks GREAT! It’s the first time in many many years that I’ve seen it on the

Winnie the Pooh – Review
It was fun to watch from the beginning short film, The Ballad of Nessie, till the credits at the end of the feature… the last gag was great! Awesome animation. My favorite character, who I thought stole the show, was Piglet. I was just laughing so many times at things